Our Pre­mi­um Moss is curr­ent­ly the hig­hest qua­li­ty level of Reinde­er moss on the raw moss mar­ket. Howe­ver, only the lar­gest flakes are har­ve­s­ted here, which are then careful­ly pla­ced on edge against each other and dried. It is also sup­pli­ed unt­rea­ted 2‑layer in a card­board box 40x60x20cm and in advan­ce extre­me­ly ful­ly clea­ned by hand and tes­ted. Due to the uni­que qua­li­ty hard­ly any was­te is pro­du­ced during clea­ning. After soa­king the moss lay­ers in water, the moss flakes can then be easi­ly and easi­ly pro­ces­sed. The size of the indi­vi­du­al flakes is sub­ject to natu­ral varia­ti­ons and may vary slightly.

Mini­mum purcha­se quan­ti­ty: 40 car­tons / 1 pal­let.


The Pre­mi­um Moss is com­ple­te­ly immer­sed in a natu­ral pre­pe­ra­ti­on solu­ti­on, pre­ser­ved and remains soft, natu­ral and com­ple­te­ly free of care. After that, it is com­ple­te­ly dyed through with a light-resistant, pol­lutant-free color and can be imme­dia­te­ly fur­ther pro­ces­sed by the pre­vious com­plex clea­ning pro­cess. Only lower part of the lar­ge flakes should be remo­ved befo­re gluing or fixing. Rus­si­an Pre­mi­um Moss can be dyed in dif­fe­rent colors by arran­ge­ment. It is sup­pli­ed loo­se in a car­ton 60cmx40cmx60cm to 12kg

Mini­mum purcha­se quan­ti­ty: 20 car­tons (approx.12kg) / 1 pal­let.