
  • espe­ci­al­ly den­se and uni­form structure

  • dried and untreated

  • by com­ple­te dry­ing very long durable

  • natu­ral colors — can be dyed

  • coll­ec­ted by hand and clea­ned seve­ral times

  • size &basic color of the pie­ces is sub­ject to natu­ral variations

  • lose deli­ver­ed in a box 60x40x40cm, per box you can cover about 5m² area with moss

  • mini­mum purcha­se: 20 car­tons (approx.100m²)/ 1 pallet/strong>

We sup­p­ly you flat moss in the hig­hest qua­li­ty com­ple­te­ly dried, unt­rea­ted and in natu­ral color in a box 60x40x40cm. Per car­ton you can cover about 5m² area with moss. By careful manu­al clea­ning and rem­oval of pine need­les it is ide­al­ly sui­ted for fur­ther pro­ces­sing or direct use. Flat moss is popu­lar­ly used for lar­ger are­as or as a base for moss art­work. Size and color of the moss pie­ces are sub­ject to natu­ral and har­ve­st-rela­ted varia­ti­ons and the­r­e­fo­re vary. Mini­mum purcha­se quan­ti­ty: 20 boxes (approx.100m ²)/ 1 pal­let.


dyed & preserved

  • coll­ec­ted and clea­ned by hand

  • pre­ser­ved & ful­ly coloured

  • available in 3 dif­fe­rent shades of green

  • size of the sin­gle pie­ces varies due to natu­ral conditions

  • beau­tiful­ly struc­tu­red pie­ces, sui­ta­ble for imme­dia­te fur­ther processing

  • deli­very loo­se in car­ton 60x40x17 cm

  • 1 box is enough for about 1 m² area

  • mini­mum purcha­se quan­ti­ty: 40 boxes ( about 40m² ) / 1 pallet

The flat moss is pre­ser­ved using our spe­cial pro­cess and thus remains soft, natu­ral and com­ple­te­ly main­ten­an­ce-free. It is then com­ple­te­ly dyed with a light-fast, UV-resistant color and can be pro­ces­sed imme­dia­te­ly through the pre­vious com­plex clea­ning pro­cess. Size and final color of the moss pie­ces are sub­ject to natu­ral and har­ve­st-rela­ted varia­ti­ons and vary slight­ly. Our flat moss can be dyed in 3 colors. You will recei­ve the finis­hed moss in a Box 60x40x17 cm and can thus moss about 1m² area. Mini­mum order quan­ti­ty: 40 boxes ( approx. 40m² ) / 1 pallet.



