
  • coll­ec­ted and clea­ned pro­per­ly by hand

  • dried and untreated

  • dura­ble due to very long drying

  • natu­ral colour — rea­dy to be dyed

  • spe­cial struc­tu­re & shape

  • size & colour of the sin­gle pie­ces vary due to natu­ral conditions

  • packed loo­se in boxes of 60x40x60cm for cove­ring a sur­face of about 2.5–3m²

  • mini­mum purcha­se quan­ti­ty: 20 boxes (approx. 50–60 m²) / 1 pallet

We sup­p­ly fat moss in hig­hest qua­li­ty — dried, unt­rea­ted and loo­se­ly packed in boxes 60x40x40cm. Each box con­ta­ins moss for cove­ring a sur­face of approx. 2,5 ‑3m². Pro­per clea­ning by hand and remo­ving pine need­les allows direct pro­ces­sing and use. Size and natu­ral colour of the sin­gle pie­ces vary due to natu­ral con­di­ti­ons. Mini­mum purcha­sing quan­ti­ty: 20 boxes (approx.50 ‑60m²) / 1 pallet


dyed & preserved

  • coll­ec­ted and clea­ned by hand

  • com­ple­te­ly dyed & pre­ser­ved using light­fast, UV-sta­ble colours

  • available in 3 dif­fe­rent shades of green

  • size of sin­gle pie­ces varies due to natu­ral conditions

  • soft, com­ple­te pie­ces, rea­dy for imme­dia­te use and processing

  • packed loo­se in boxes of 60x40x60cm for cove­ring a sur­face of approx. 1m²

  • mini­mum purcha­se quan­ti­ty: 40 boxes (approx. 40 m²) / 1 pallet

Our fat moss is pre­ser­ved using a natu­ral pre­ser­va­ti­on solu­ti­on and remains soft and is com­ple­te­ly main­ten­an­ce free. Dyed with light­fast, UV-sta­ble colours and thanks to the meti­cu­lous clea­ni­nig pro­cess it is sup­pli­ed rea­dy for direct pro­ces­sing. Sin­gle pie­ces can vary in size and colour due to natu­ral con­di­ti­ons. Our fat moss is available in 3 dif­fe­rent shades of green. A box 60x40x40 cm con­ta­ins moss to cover a sur­face of approx.1 m². Mini­mum purcha­sing quan­ti­ty: 40 boxes (appr. 40m² ) / 1 pallet



