
  • par­ti­cu­lar­ly den­se and firm balls

  • unt­rea­ted fresh, dried on request

  • very long lasting

  • natu­ral colour — rea­dy to be dyed

  • coll­ec­ted by hand & clea­ned seve­ral times

  • Size & basic colour of each bale is sub­ject to natu­ral variations

  • 2‑ply in pla­s­tic box 40x30x12cm for about 0,2m² area

  • Mini­mum purcha­se quan­ti­ty: 144 boxes (approx. 28.8m²) / 1 pallet

We deli­ver the bale moss (also cal­led ball moss, hill moss or cushion pil­low moss) in its natu­ral form com­ple­te­ly dried and unt­rea­ted 2‑ply in a pla­s­tic box 40x30x12cm. With one lay­er you can cover an area ofapprox. 0.1m². Through careful, manu­al clea­ning and rem­oval of pine need­les, we enable you to pro­cess the moss imme­dia­te­ly. Size and color of the indi­vi­du­al bales are sub­ject to natu­ral varia­ti­ons and vary slight­ly. Our bale moss has an excel­lent qua­li­ty, is den­se, firm andide­al­ly sui­ted for flat pro­ces­sing. Mini­mum purcha­se quan­ti­ty: 144 pla­s­tic boxes (approx. 28.8m²) / 1 pallet


preserved & dyed

  • coll­ec­ted and clea­ned by hand

  • careful­ly pre­pared & com­ple­te­ly dyed

  • curr­ent­ly 5 dif­fe­rent shades of green available, spe­cial colors available on request

  • Size of indi­vi­du­al bales is sub­ject to natu­ral variations

  • soft, com­ple­te bales, sui­ta­ble for imme­dia­te fur­ther processing

  • Deli­very in pla­s­tic box 40x30x12cm to 2 layers

  • 1 box is enough for about 0.2 squa­re meters of area to cover with moss

  • Mini­mum purcha­se: 144 boxes (28.8m²) / 1 pallet

The bale moss (also cal­led cushion moss, ball moss or boll moss) is pre­ser­ved seve­ral times using ourspe­cial pre­pa­ra­ti­on pro­cess and thus remains soft, natu­ral and com­ple­te­ly main­ten­an­ce-free. After­wards, it is com­ple­te­ly dyed with light­fast, UV-resistant colour and can be pro­ces­sed imme­dia­te­ly due to the pre­vious ela­bo­ra­te clea­ning pro­cess. We are curr­ent­ly colou­ring the bale moss for you in 5 dif­fe­rent shades of green. We can rea­li­ze other colour requests for you, plea­se cont­act us. We deli­ver your bale moss 2‑plyin a pla­s­tic box 40x30x12cm. You need about 1 pla­s­tic box for approx. 0.2m² area to cover with moss.Mini­mum order quan­ti­ty: 144 boxes (28.8m²) / 1 pallet



