dried & cleaned

  • extra lar­ge, den­se flakes

  • dried and untreated

  • dura­ble due to very long drying

  • natu­ral colour — rea­dy to be dyed

  • coll­ec­ted & clea­ned pro­per­ly by hand

  • Size and & basic colour of the indi­vi­du­al flakes is sub­ject to natu­ral variations

  • 2 panels (1 panel 38x58x8cm) in a box 40x60x20cm

  • Mini­mum purcha­se quan­ti­ty: 40 car­tons / 1 pal­let.

We sup­p­ly the Pre­mi­um Moss (also reinde­er moss, Lichen Islan­di­cus, Blood lung moss, fever moss, stag­horn lichen or bar­ley cal­led) dried to the hig­hest qua­li­ty, unt­rea­ted and natu­ral as a pla­te 2‑ply (1 pla­te 38x58x8cm) in a box 40x60x20cm. After soa­king the moss pla­tes you can gent­ly divi­de the flakes and then easi­ly and uncom­pli­ca­ted fur­ther pro­ces­sing. By careful­ly clea­ning and remo­ving pine need­les, soil and other par­tic­les, you can use the raw moss imme­dia­te­ly and wit­hout fur­ther effort. The size of the indi­vi­du­al flakes is sub­ject to natu­ral varia­ti­ons and may vary. You can prepa­re our raw Pre­mi­um Moss and colour it as you like.

preserved & dyed

  • coll­ec­ted & clea­ned pro­per­ly by hand

  • pre­pared & com­ple­te­ly dyed

  • curr­ent­ly available in 14 dif­fe­rent colours — colour of your choice can be reques­ted separately

  • UV-resistant, light­fast colours

  • Size of indi­vi­du­al flakes is sub­ject to natu­ral variations

  • soft, very fle­xi­ble flakes, sui­ta­ble for imme­dia­te fur­ther processing

  • Deli­very loo­se in a box 60x40x60cm to 12 kg

  • 5 years fresh­ness warranty

  • Mini­mum purcha­se quan­ti­ty: 20 car­tons (approx. 240 kg) / 1 pallet

The Pre­mi­um Moss is pre­ser­ved seve­ral times with the help of our spe­cial pres­su­re pre­pa­ra­ti­on pro­cess. It remains soft, natu­ral and com­ple­te­ly main­ten­an­ce-free. After that, it is com­ple­te­ly dyed with light­fast, UV-resistant paint. Through the pre­vious exten­si­ve clea­ning pro­cess you can imme­dia­te­ly fur­ther pro­cess the moss. Depen­ding on desi­red den­si­ty you need about 4–6 kg pre­pared and colo­red flakes for one squa­re meter of moss sur­face. For you, we dye Pre­mi­um Moss in 14 dif­fe­rent colours. We deli­ver the Pre­mi­um Moss loo­se in a box 60x40x60cm to 12 kg.

