As one of the lar­gest moss pro­du­cers in Euro­pe, EUROMOOS GmbH is your relia­ble part­ner for raw mate­ri­al. Thanks to own forests in Euro­pe and Sibe­ria, we can offer you hig­hest qua­li­ty and relia­ble deli­veries. In addi­ti­on, we work tog­e­ther with our col­le­agues on site in an envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly and sus­tainable way so as not to des­troy the valuable stands. Befo­re each har­ve­st, the are­as are first che­cked for qua­li­ty and envi­ron­men­tal aspects. The har­ve­st its­elf is pure manu­al work, on site the mos­ses are cau­tious­ly cut, careful­ly sor­ted out and pre-clea­ned. Here, the human eye and sen­si­ti­vi­ty can­not be repla­ced by any machi­ne. That’s why we can gua­ran­tee you excep­tio­nal purity.

Our dyed mos­ses are espe­ci­al­ly dura­ble, sta­ble and fresh thanks to our spe­cial pres­su­re pre­pa­ra­ti­on pro­cess. We com­ple­te­ly color all mos­ses withlight­fast, UV-resistant inks. We able to ship enti­re semi-trucks of various moss spe­ci­esquick­ly and relia­bly.

Request your indi­vi­du­al­ly cal­cu­la­ted offer and get exten­si­ve advice from our specialists!


in collecting preserving and dyeing moss 

  • we coll­ect sus­tain­ab­ly & envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly.

  • high puri­ty becau­se of careful clea­ning by hand.

  • dura­bi­li­ty & uni­que feel due to our spe­cial pre­pa­ra­ti­on pro­cess.

  • we can gua­ran­tee the colour qua­li­ty, becau­se we have own dye­ing fac­to­ries .

  • gua­ran­tees fade-resistant, UV-resistant colours

  • per­fect appearance, becau­se the raw mos­ses are com­ple­te­ly dyed.

  • indi­vi­du­al sup­port via email or phone

  • we have our own forests so that we are always able to deli­ver.

  • even lar­ge quan­ti­ties are deli­ver­ed quick­ly & relia­bly.

  • deli­very relia­bi­li­ty becau­se of lar­ge warehouse & pre-pro­duc­tion.

  • sta­ble pri­ces through in-house pro­duc­tion & annu­al planning.

  • 5 years war­ran­ty on pre­pared & colou­red mos­ses.